Orthman A Tough Act To Follow

Orthman has been manufacturing and innovating agricultural equipment for more than 65 years. From early innovations such as the stack-fold toolbar to today’s ground-breaking 1tRIPr strip-till tool, there’s one thing that’s always certain:

If it’s an Orthman, it’s A Tough Act To Follow.

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1tRIPr & TRU-aPLYr Strip-Tillage

Available from 4 to 18 rows with spacings ranging from 20" to 40". 3-Point or XD pull-type models available with optional TRU-aPLYr dry or liquid fertilizer system.

8000-Series Row Crop Cultivators

Models 8315, 8375 and 8450 are available from varying cultivator operations. Sizes range from 6 to 24 rows with available row spacings varying from 30" to 40".

Stalk PULLr Crop Stalk Puller

Available from 4 to 18 rows with row spacings ranging from 30" to 40". The Stalk PULLr is available with a rigid or folding toolbar depending on size.

Track TILLr Pivot Track Tillage

Features an 8'6" wide working width and a rigid frame. The lead heavy-duty 22" notched discs till out the toughest track sidewalls.

7500-Series Bed Conditioner

Available from 12 to 16 rows with row spacings ranging from 30" to 40". The innovative stack-fold toolbar design ensures a narrower transport width.

7000-Series Bed Listers

Parallel-linkage bed listers, bed lister rollers and rigid mount bed listers are available for varying bedding operations. Sizes range from 12 to 16 rows with row spacings ranging from 30" to 40".

PS-, CS/CSX- & FE/FX-Series Scrapers

Planing box scrapers, commercial scrapers and forced ejection scrapers are all available with varying width and carrying capacities to meet your needs.

Fallow Master & Blade Plow Fallow Tillage

The Fallow Master and Blade Plow models are available to meet your fallow tillage needs. Sizes range from 28' to 63' with 26" or 48" sweeps depending on model.

DR-Series Planters

The Deere-Orthman DR-Series planters feature an innovative 3-section toolbar frame up to 60' wide with row spacings ranging from 20" to 40" for max versatility.

Why is Orthman A Tough Act To Follow

Orthman is a world leader in agricultural equipment because innovation and quality are built into the history of the brand.

Orthman Manufacturing was founded in the mid-1960’s by Henry Orthman, who was a farmer himself searching for better solutions for his family’s operation in Lexington, Nebraska. Initially, 3-point hitch conversion products carried the business until the first complete row crop cultivator was built using a large diameter hollow toolbar. In 1972, Henry patented a folding toolbar design with hydraulic cylinders hidden inside the toolbar structure, which became an instant success.

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